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- If you as a child suffered from some trauma, you phrase should be like:
, Even if my father beat me for my birthday  and he was so bad and hated me, I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

or depending on the event:
Even if my brothers have told me on my birthday when I was 8 years old that I am bad and stupid, I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

- If you have nightmares or restless sleep, you could say:
, "Even I have nightmares every night I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

- If you are scared of rats, beetles, spiders and other animals, say:
"Even though I am scared of a rat (or appointed animal) I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

- If you have depression you could say:
"Even if I have depression and suffer so much and do not see the logic in living my life, I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

In conclusion affirming the problem has 2 key points:
    1 .- to appoint the exact trouble to be removed,
    2 .- to use a language that say explicitly about how you feel, what upset you, because you need to release the pressure of negative emotions which are inside of you. You have to express the negative emotion as you are feeling – do not use an academic vocabulary about your negative emotion when you would like to say rude things, shout or scream about that matter - will have no effect !!!!!

           Matters which may apply EFT's are endless. Gary Craig says to use the system for troubles of any kind. By statement must identify the problem you want to correct and on the same time to love, accept and respect as you are at that time.
           It does not matter if you believe in the statement or not (sometimes subjects can not pronounce that they love and accept themselves – in this case the therapist you will have to say it in his place). It is also advisable to say the affirmation aloud with intonation and clear. In case you are in a public place and you have an emergency matter to solve, you may say it in your mind.
           The statement is said three times while with your dominant hand (not necessary) you will rub your Sore point. You will find this point at 3 cm below the sternum bone and about 8 cm in the left or right of it. If you will rub it you will find easily because is slightly sore (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1

In certain medical condition (such as breasts or cancer operations in the area) if you can not rub the sore point you can press – tap The Karate Point (Figure 3) side of the hand while you are saying the Statement three times. Both sides of the Sore Point can be used equally effectively.

After several rounds of practice you will make the three statements in about 10 seconds

 II. The meridian points - The Sequence

 This phase involves pressing, tapping with two or three fingers, about 7 times (between 5 and 9, or how you feel will be beneficial to the topic) of each point of meridian indicated (see Figure 3). These tapings on meridians balance the body’s energy. Use your index and middle finger and ring finger if you want, and press clear, solid taps with fingers but without injuring or creating marks. It does not matter which part of your body are you using and also it does not matter if you do not respect the sequence indicated.

            The points: Each energy meridian has two end points. For the The Basic Recipe, you need only to tap on one end to balance out any disruptions that may exist in it. These end points are near the surface of the body and are thus more readily accessed than other points along the meridians that may be more deeply buried. What follows are instructions on how to locate the end points of those meridians that are important to The Basic Recipe.

The tapping points are:

**At the beginning of the eyebrow, just above and to one side of the nose. This point

is abbreviated EB for beginning of the Eye Brow.

**On the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye. This point is abbreviated SE for Side of the Eye.

**On the bone under an eye about 1 inch below your pupil. This point is abbreviated UE for Under the Eye.

**On the small area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip. This point is abbreviated UN for Under the Nose.
   **Midway between the point of your chin and the bottom of your lower lip. Even though it is not directly on the point of the chin, we call it the chin point because it is descriptive enough for people to understand easily. This point is abbreviated Ch for Chin.

**CB-The junction where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet. To locate it, first place your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone (about where a man would knot his tie). From the bottom of the U, move your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left (or right) 1 inch. This point is abbreviated CB for Collar Bone even though it is not on the collarbone (or clavicle) per se. It is at the beginning of the collarbone and we call it the collarbone point because that is a lot easier to say than "the junction where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet."

**On the side of the body, at a point even with the nipple (for men) or in the middle of the bra strap (for women). It is about 4 inches below the armpit.This point is abbreviated UA for Under the Arm.

**For men, one inch below the nipple. For ladies, where the underskin of the breast meets the chest wall. This point is abbreviated BN for Below Nipple. **On the outside edge of your thumb at a point even with the base of the thumbnail. This point is abbreviated Th for Thumb.

**On the side of your index finger (the side facing your thumb) at a point even with the base of the fingernail. This point is abbreviated IF for Index Finger. (fig.3)

Fig. 2

**On the side of your middle finger (the side closest to your thumb) at a point even with the base of the fingernail. This point is abbreviated MF for Middle Finger.

**On the inside of your baby finger (the side closest to your thumb) at a point even with the base of the fingernail. This point is abbreviated BF for Baby Finger.

**The last point is the karate chop point. It is located in the middle of the fleshy part on the outside of the hand between the top of the wrist bone and the base of the baby finger. It is abbreviated KC for Karate Chop. (see figure four).

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

To store more easily the points on the face look at the picture and see that their look like a question (I've marked with red points).
            For each point of meridian we say aloud a statement in two-three words that represent the essence of that taping. This is done to strengthen and to focus on the problem that we have to solve it. For example we say: "exam emotions", migraine ", “x hit me”," addiction to chocolate "," the father hit me”, “my husband left me”, “nightmares”, “rats fear", once for each point.

    III. The 9 Gamut    

To do the 9 Gamut Procedure, you must first locate the Gamut point. It is on the back of either hand and is 1/2 inch behind the midpoint between the knuckles at the base of the ring finger and the little

finger. If you draw an imaginary line between the knuckles at the base of the ring finger and little finger and consider that line to be the base of an equilateral triangle whose other sides converge to a point (apex) in the direction of the wrist, then the gamut point would be located at the apex of the triangle.

Next, you must perform 9 different actions while tapping the Gamut point continuously. The 9

Gamut actions are:

1. Eyes closed.

2. Eyes open.

3. Eyes hard down right while holding the head steady.

4. Eyes hard down left while holding the head steady.

5. Roll eyes in a circle as though your nose was at the center of a clock and you were trying to see

all the numbers in order.

6. Same as #5 only reverse the direction in which you roll your eyes.

7. Hum 2 seconds of a song (suggest Happy Birthday).

8. Count rapidly from 1 to 5.

9. Hum 2 seconds of a song again.

Note that these 9 actions are presented in a certain order and I suggest that you memorize them in the order given. However, you can mix the order up if you wish so long as you do all 9 of them and you perform 7, 8 and 9 as a unit. That is, you hum 2 seconds of a song...then

count...then hum the song again, in that order. Also, note that for some people humming Happy Birthday causes resistance because it brings up memories of unhappy birthdays. In this case, you can either use EFT on those unhappy memories and resolve them…or…you can side step this issue for now by having them hum some other song.

This procedure is probably the most bizarre in EFT. Its aim is to balance the brain, the two parts of the left and right. This happens through eye movement, singing and count. Eye movement by certain parts of the brain are stimulated.
Also, in the right brain (creative side) is activated when singing a song and the left is activated when we count. Gamma procedure lasts about 10 seconds. During all this process we tap continuously between the ring finger and small finger on the back of the hand (see Figure 5).

  VI. The meridian points - The Sequence

Repeat again the taping of the meridians points as on the phase two and verbally repeating the problem we want to solve.

This method can be applied to almost infinite list of physical and emotional problems and helps solve the most of them.

Suppose you used the technique for some problems (for fear, headache, anger, etc.).
Sometimes the problem will simply disappear after just one round while, other times, one round only lead to a reduction in part. When we obtain only a partial reduction of the problem we will make more additional rounds. These rounds will be adjusted after the new situation achieved because the subconscious tends to be very literal. Therefore, the new first statement is:
        Although I have some remained X problem, I deeply love and completely accept myself.
       Even if I have some remain emotion for the exam, I deeply love and completely accept myself.
       Even if I have some remain migraine I deeply love and completely accept myself.
       Even if I have some remain anger that X beat me yesterday in front of our friends, I deeply love and completely accept myself.
       Even if I have some remained desire to eat chocolate, I deeply love and completely accept myself.

Say that phrase when taping points and change it. We say:
**remaining headache

**remaining anger towards my father

**remaining war memory

**remaining stiffness in my neck

**remaining nightmares

**remaining craving for alcohol

**remaining fear of snakes

**remaining depression


You can better assess how the method works if you are measuring the negative emotion. You will ask the subject of the intensity of his negative emotions scale from 0 to 10. At 0 the subject has no emotion and 10 is maximum intensity. It could for example the problem to begin at the value of 6 to decline after the first round of taping at 3 then a 1 and then 0. Even if at the value of 1 the subject feels comfortable it is advisable to go further up he reaches the value 0.

To illustrate EFT we describe the base method used for fear of spiders. Meeting will take place like this:
Maria: Diane, please tell me what is your fear of spiders from 0 to 10 with 10 being maximum intensity.
Diane: Well, I do not know.
Maria: If you would look at a spider just now how much your distress will be?
Diane: 10
Maria: Did you have a specific incident when you started to be afraid of spiders?
Diane: Well I think it started when I was in a student camp when I was 9 years old. One of my mates put a spider on my pillow when I was asleep. And the stupid cows were laughing when I woke with the spider on my face. How stupid! And I woke and screamed in huge distress and they were laughing.  Idiots.
Maria:  Diane do you want that I will tape on you or you want to tap yourself?
Diane: I better watch what you are doing so I can learn how to do it myself.
Maria: That’s OK. Please rub the sore point and say after me: Although those stupid girls put the spider on my pillow to have fun, I deeply love and completely accept myself.
Diane: Although those stupid girls put the spider on my pillow to have fun I deeply love and completely accept myself.
Maria: repeated the phrase twice, rubbing continuously the sore point.

Diane: (rubbing the sore point): Although those stupid girls put the spider on my pillow to have fun, I deeply love and completely accept myself.
Although those stupid girls put the spider on my pillow to have fun, I deeply love and completely accept myself.

Maria: tap now, about 7 times in each of meridian points that I will show you and tell at each point The spider on my pillow
EB: spider on my pillow

SE: spider on the pillow
UE: spider on the pillow
UN: spider on the pillow
CH: spider on the pillow
CB: spider on pillow
UA: spider on the pillow
BN: spider on the pillow
TH: spider on the pillow
IF: spider on the pillow
MF: spider on the pillow
BF: spider on the pillow

Karate Point: spider on the pillow

Maria: Please tap now continuously in the Gamut point, and do with your eyes what I am telling you.
Close your eyes.
Open your eyes
Look left without moving your head
Look right
Rotates towards the left the eyes, completely in a circle.

 Rotates towards the right the eyes, completely in a circle.
Sing a tune for two seconds
Count 1 2 3 4 5
Sing a tune for two seconds

Maria: Very good Diane.  How much is now your fear of spiders?

Diane:Oh, I belive it is 8... It is 8...

Maria: Now we resume by tapping the meridian points  and you'll say out loud three times and tap your Karate point: The remaining fear of the spider on my pillow I deeply love and completely accept myself

Diane: The remaining fear of the spider on my pillow I deeply love and completely accept myself

           The remaining fear of the spider on my pillow I deeply love and completely accept myself

           The remaining fear of the spider on my pillow I deeply love and completely accept myself

EB: spider on my pillow

SE: spider on the pillow
UE: spider on the pillow
UN: spider on the pillow
CH: spider on the pillow
CB: spider on pillow
UA: spider on the pillow
BN: spider on the pillow
TH: spider on the pillow
IF: spider on the pillow
MF: spider on the pillow
BF: spider on the pillow

Karate Point: spider on the pillow
Maria: Very Good. Please estimate how your fear of spiders is now?
Diane is swinging in the chair and tries to answer my question.
           . I know ... is much diminished....  is empty.... is not longer the same....
Maria: If you get a spider now and you see it how much your fear will be?
Diane: 3, I think is 3.
Maria: We have to bring the fear to 0. Please repeat after me, rubbing the sore point
Although I have left some fear of spiders I deeply love and completely accept myself.

Diane (rubbing the sore point)
Although I have left some fear of spiders I deeply love and completely accept myself.

Although I have left some fear of spiders I deeply love and completely accept myself

Although I have left some fear of spiders I deeply love and completely accept myself
Maria: Very good Diane. Now we resume the meridian and you'll say out loud "Left fear of spiders”.
EB: Left fear of spiders

SE: Left fear of spiders
UE: Left fear of spiders
UN: Left fear of spiders
CH: Left fear of spiders
CB: Left fear of spiders
UA: Left fear of spiders
BN: Left fear of spiders
TH: Left fear of spiders
IF: Left fear of spiders
MF: Left fear of spiders
BF: Left fear of spiders

Karate point: Left fear of spiders

Maria: Very good. Please do now the Gamut procedure and again the taping points.


Maria: OK Diane you please estimate how much is now your fear of spiders?
Diane: is 0, I think that is 0.
Maria: Please close your eyes and imagine that I put a spider on the pillow. How is it your fear?
Diane: (with a slight spasm of disgust) I think it is two.
Maria: Great. Please repeat one round for remain fear of spiders (repeat the whole procedure a second time).

Check again and then stop when reaches 0. Ask the client to imagine that the spider will move on her hand on her face and if you still have emotional negative response tap until you reach 0. These taps, led by a specialist will make Diane to touch the spider without any negative emotion at the end of the session.  If you have remove all aspects and the client did not diminished his fear of spiders than you will tackle other matters which contributed to this fear. You will ask: Is there another event that has contributed to your fear of spiders? This is another "aspect" of the problem.
These "issues" of problems is important in healing a person. Every aspect though is perhaps related to another aspect of the problem and must be treated individually and brought to 0. For example: if we were attacked and beaten by someone that matters can be not only "I was attacked and beaten in the day ..." but: the smell of the place the light or darkness scene, blood taste in the mouth, the cold stone on pavement, sharp pain in his head and feet, open or closed spaces, colour, place. In fact, each of these qualifies as a separate problem, even they seem to be linked, combined, braided together. For example you can get "I was attacked and beaten on the day and to bring it to a 0 but when the client will taste blood in his mouth because he pinched his lips, the fear of the attack will return to 10.

Fig. 5

                    The Basic Technique                       

        Please visit Gary’s site, the EFT inventor: www.emofree.com

                The Basic Technique refers to the way in which its practice will release the negative emotions affecting the body.
                 We know that energy imbalances have profound negative effects on physical and mental body. We are correcting the energy imbalance by tapping the body (short 5-7 soft beats)  in certain meridian points. Sometimes emotional rebalancing can occur quickly, sometimes after a few sessions of EFT in the case of more complex phenomena.            

The basic technique developed initially by Gary Craig has 4 parts of which 2 are identical:
I. The statement of the problem we have - The Setup
II. Tap the meridian points - The Sequence
III. The balance of the brain which is called Gamut 9 Procedure
IV. Tap the meridian points - The Sequence

           I. The statement of the problem we have - The Setup

 Affirmation is made up of two parts:
1 .- verbal part, which will be delivered three times.
2 .- while the rotary motion rub the sore point left or right side, as Figure 1

          If the issues are more related to emotional problems, the client might not notice a reduction of physical symptoms until when all will be reduced to 0. If, for example, while you have headache, toothache and stomach pains, you may not feel healthy until when all 3 pain have disappeared. It is the same with emotional issues that contain various aspects.

            Some clients have difficulties in identifying the aspects of his matter. Do not worry because it is a part of him which knows very well those issues (subconscious). In this case you can use the phrase "This feeling that I can not identify but which created the problem X". Repeat the process once a day for 21 days, when you have a discount / annihilation of symptoms, respectively. However, most problems are easily identified and resolved.
             Be more specific if this is possible. For example someone who has been subjected to severe emotional abuse when he was small (by parents or people in general) will feel inadequate in many areas of their lives. This contributes to energy disruptions (and therefore negative emotions) when faced with potential rejection of those around when he is an adult. They will feel like "not good enough" when they need to take new ways of life or to take chances that life offers with a tendency to stay locked.
             A large number of negative emotions were installed when we lived, experienced adverse events. They are braided together and many are difficult to separate. Craig Gary uses a metaphor and says he has a sick forest to be cut, tree after tree. Forest appears to be very stuffy that you feel like you can not get out of it. For some clients (as in the case of depression) seems like a jungle where you can not get to see the way out and even think that there it is a way out. We cut tree after tree and each tree is a step towards freedom. Being persistent in cutting all the trees you will earn the freedom where you will be calm when you encounter new opportunities and will be guided by a new sense of adventure, rather than having the fear of not being "good enough”.
              I was asked my clients if you have to cut all trees from the forest. The answer is no, because after about 5 max 10 forest trees the system is collapsing even there are more than 100 "trees" of the issues matter. EFT often close an entire forest just after a cutting several trees. Gary Craig called this effect the generalization effect.
               Another phenomenon that can happen is that the problem begins to move. For example if we tap for a headache may be subject will say that the head pain is not there now but he has now stomach ache. We need to be persistent and follow wherever the pain moves it.
              People asked for what EFT works for .....?" the answer is "Try it for anything!" The results are surprising that the prestigious university in the U.S. Stanford University began to do studies to see how can work so spectacular. However, this "Try it for every idea” should be interpreted with common sense. It is not a license to act irresponsibly. In consequence, you should do not try EFT on serious mental illness, or anything serious, unless you are qualified in that specialty (doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, health care).

            So please remember! The basic technique consists in:
1. Affirmation of the problem (or the rest of the problem remained) three times while you rub a sore.
2. Tap about 5-7 times the meridian points in the sequence data. There is nothing going on if you miss one or you do not make it in the order indicated.
3. Make Gamut 9 through eye movements indicated that while tapping constantly in the gamut point.
4. Repeat the tap sequence of the meridian points.
           In general the changes that happen are permanent. It seems that changes are permanent because it is solved the cause which produced symptoms.

© Maria Cocis 2001


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 Examples of statements:

- If you have any emotions to sustain an exam, you would say:
  , "Even
though I have these exams  emotions, I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

- If you have migraine:
, Even if I have a powerful migraine , I deeply love and completely accept myself. "

Be sure to say how you feel not as it is courteous to speak - for example in this case you can tell, if you feel so:
Even if I have a headache which is running me mad so badly that I feel the need to cut it off, my f...mother of head running me crazy for so many years .... I deeply love and completely accept myself.

- If you had a fight in public and have been verbally and physically assaulted, the set up phrase should be like:
, Even  I'm angry for the fact that X  beat me yesterday in front of our friends, I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

- If you have a food addiction you  could say:
"Even I want to eat chocolate all day and all day I think only at chocolate, I deeply love and completely accept myself.  

EFT Basic technique